Over Coffee #1 - Northwestern Mutual 1No matter what it is you do, we all need to have a good financial plan to carry out our dreams, goals, and ideas. That’s where companies like Northwestern Mutual come in.

Starting as the Mutual Life Insurance Company in 1857, the small Wisconsin firm was quickly met with a challenge when two of its first policy owners were lost in an unfortunate train accident. The claims, totaling more than what the company had on hand at the time, were taken care of thanks to their President Sam S. Daggett and his trustees’ willingness to take the problem upon themselves and personally borrow money to settle it. Since then, the company’s workers have dedicated themselves to accountability and putting their people first, shown 50 years later when they invited non-trustee policy owners to regularly analyze their finances and keep them accountable—a practice still occurring today.

As time went on, the company started providing other forms of insurance (such as disability and long-term care), taking up investing, and offering financial planning. They have many financial representatives and firms today that deliver their extensive services.

River Tree Wealth Management, one of these representatives, is a firm in Downtown Newark that specializes in helping families and businesses reach their financial goals and grasp the concepts of insurance and investments. Justin Fickes, a partner and advisor with River Tree Wealth Management, believes in taking an educational approach to financial planning and prioritizing understanding to execute a goal.

If you’re a BIA member in need of great financial advisors for your business, we definitely recommend Northwestern Mutual’s River Tree Wealth Management!

Check them out at the links below:

Northwestern Mutual | A Financial Planning, Life Insurance & Investment Services Company

River Tree Wealth Management, Columbus, OH | Northwestern Mutual (rivertree-wealth.com)